Huger’s Iron Giant Simply Wants A Hug

Commuters driving by under the ‘work or home’ executive order find themselves greeted by a new set of green eyes on their evening drive.

It’s The Vista‘s newest piece of public art that’s been drawing a little extra attention along Huger street… especially as the sun sets across the Midlands! That’s thanks to the partenership with Lewis and Clark Lamps in the Vista.

Huger’s newest neighbor sports a friendly pair of bright green eyes and the very appropriate facemask. At a time for social distancing Huger Street offers art at a distance!

How did he get stuck there? Nobody knows… our best bet would be to check with Clark Ellefson of Lewis + Clark! He was set to unveil the piece as part of the 38th annual Artista Vista 2020 on April 17, but efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19 pushed parteners to bring ‘Green Eyes’ to Huger with a wave and a honk.

Simply drive by 1001 Huger Street and check out The Vista’s newest public art piece. Just give a honk to welcome ‘Green Eyes’!

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